
Picture Enhancer: Why Do You Need One?


This is the first question we should ask ourselves before pressing the shutter. I think that photographers who make use of photo enhancers are divided into different groups, each of them has its own motivation to shoot, sometimes a necessity ( the professionals who have to eat with their work).

Classification Of Photographers

Generally, they are classified into;

  • Professionals
  • Non-professionals (lovers of photography)

There are those who shoot to remember. The classic souvenir photograph; what in any case and in essence must contain an instant, a sensation, an emotion of our moment that has been well edited in a picture enhancer?

picture enhancer

Some shoot because they are good and because they are “good” publish their fantastic photos continually. They often leave many people speechless. From these, it is often necessary to learn and much.

Then there are those who hunt for “I like” in various social media, and to do so; they use various methods, color (maybe a little pumped) beauty (maybe a bit ‘naked or sexy) the magical and always loved white and black. Some show the world in an ironic way making us see what often escapes us.

Another group is those of duty, those who must take pictures because time passes by changing places and people because that event must be immortalized to make it visible and available to everyone, today and tomorrow.

Then there is the group of those who take it because you see that there were also them, that the year saw or done, or those who “I take a selfie”.

Then there are the professionals, those who officially take off, for a fee. They are those who portray the story as it unfolds. There are those who shoot on commission, those who take pictures for catalogs or advertising, travel photographers, and photojournalists (a profession not all roses and flowers).

And all these photographers produce images; fantastic and exceptional photos. But often, very often, the world and the network are flooded with images that maybe it was better not to bring them to life, leaving them hidden to the sensors of our cameras.


It takes very little to make a photograph; it is not enough even to make a great picture: a subject, a good light, a correct context, a pleasant composition. Looking at the best photos, studying the great masters, discussing and photographing together, attending a group, a club, this is the best way to learn how to photograph.

Our Take

Our hope, without too many claims, as amateur photographers (lovers of photography), is that, through this column, to try to make everyone grow in love for photography. 

Because every time you click, you have the power to make a dream come true

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