You may have bought a very nice wire stripper but if you don’t know how to use it, then it may not help you a great deal. Many people have bought the best wire strippers but when it comes to using them, they use them wrongly hence they start complaining that the wire stripper is not effective. Here are some advices on how to use the wire stripper so that you can obtain the best results ever.
Find the wire gauge on the copper wire
A wire gauge is the point at which the wire is supposes to be cut. Some copper wires have the gauges marked while in others you have to locate it manually. You have to be very accurate because it is better to strip a shorter distance from the gauge than a longer distance.
Align the gauges together
You must then make sure that you align the gauges in the eight positions of the hole. At this point caution should be taken. This is because once you match the gauge in a bigger hole; the coating will not be removed. Consequently, if you match the gauge in a smaller hole, it is more dangerous because both the coating and the wire may be cut, resulting in bigger problems. There are some effective wire strippers that have been marked on the side of the holes, the size of the gauge that is supposed to fit there.
Open up the wire stripper and place the gauges strategically
Opening up the wire stripper is done by moving the handles apart and then you place the wire gauges strategically such that they fit into the holes of the wire stripper. You have to do this slowly because many people do it in haste and end up placing the wire gauges in the wrong positions, thus resulting into wrong removal of the coating or cutting of the wire entirely.
Press the handles gently
After the wire gauges are strategically pit, you now press the handles gently together so that it can facilitate the cutting. The term gently has been used because most people press the handles with all of their might thus making coating and the copper wire to be cut, which is a very big mistake.
You can twist the wire stripper if you feel that the coating has not been properly cut
This is always an optional thing, depending on the one using the wire stripper. When twisting the stripper, you are encouraged to do so also gently and at a quarter turn. You don’t have to twist it at 360 degrees. This ensures that the wire coating has been properly cut.