Online Marketing

Link Building through Multi-channel Promotion


As markets, customers, customer preferences, their needs, lifestyles and internet habits vary across different market places and also within a given market setting, a single digital marketing media will not get your message across as you desire. So, media planners and digital marketers use multiple media platforms or multiple channels to reach out not only to a diverse audience base but also to a single target audience because different approaches produce different results. Also, different objectives need a different approach. Use of multiple channels for each type of content in multiple ways such as Short Term and Long Term, Inbound and Outbound Marketing, Promotion of Text, Image and Video Content, Young, Women or Working Professionals, B2C and B2B customers. Though marketing is not one size fits all, Digital Marketing is multiple sizes fit multiple markets. Let’s discuss more on how different channels can help you to strategically reach out to your end customers.

Strategic URL Placements

You have to use a plethora of platforms to promote your URL links to generate backlink traffic to your website. You can use a combination of platforms such as directories, social media, banner ads, content promotion, business networking websites, discussion forums, social media profiles and niche platforms to get media diversity and place your URLs. For better results, you have to place your backlinks at contextual platforms and relevant blogs.  

Moreover, the more diverse the media that you place your backlinks on, the wider will be the diversity of your audience. For example, if you have a website that sells multiple products or services that appeal to wider audiences, then you have to reach out to diverse platforms to reach out to these diverse audiences.

Multiple Directory Listings

If you list your business in popular directories with proper keywords in the description and alt text for images, your business gets found easily. Your business profile listing should be complete with input details such as features list, address and contact details with location map listing, business categories, website links, products, video links, etc. 

Backlinks to your website through banner ads are an added advantage. 

If you have a Featured Listing in the directory, your listing gets more number of clicks and visits than a free listing or simple paid listing. A Category Topper Listing gives enhanced views for your business in your niche.

Multiple directory listing in both generic, niche and local directories gets you increased footfall to your business listing and increased backlink advantage.

Market Segmentation & Backlinks

Selecting Marketing Tools based on Markets

According to the nature of your business, you have to choose appropriate tools such as export directories, national directories, regional directories, city or local directories, B2B directories, local directories and blog sites. Your website is a basic necessity for digital marketing. You can use Business Networking platforms to nurture audience and generate leads.

As market segmentation means slicing your whole market into small homogeneous marketing segments and targeting each segment with tailor made common promotional message and targeting methods. Select marketing tools that are relevant to each specific segmented market with the right content distribution strategy will improve results. 

For example if you want to reach out to young audiences, you can use photo/image  sharing platforms like Instagram for effective reach. Ideal products to promote in these types of channels or platforms are lifestyle based products and services.

If you are promoting products and services for the business market or professionals like ERP Software or a technical product, you may use image sharing websites like Pinterest where people do product research. In this case, Instagram will not be an ideal choice. To get inbound leads, you can go for paid campaigns like Google PPC Ads that people could retrieve your business through search phrases and keywords.

Selecting Marketing Tools based on Business Goals

Based on your Short term and Long term branding and sales goals, you can plan appropriate tools. 

For example, if you have opened a cafe in your local area and want the local crowd to know about your new store, Google PPC is not the right tool. Google PPC is not a quick promotion tool. In this case, you have to Facebook Local Targeting Reach Out Ad plan. FB Ads help you in the local promotion. You can reach the local audience with pin code or zip code wise with FB targeted ads giving you instant results. 

But, you should not have the misconception that there are exclusive short term and long term tools and that they are mutually exclusive. Some tools come in handy for both short term and long term promotions. 

For example, local directories and local classifieds are both local area promotion media platforms. While the local directory is a long-term platform, the local classifieds site is a short-term platform with limited time listing for up to 15 days.

Niche directories like job portals are meant for specific categories. Micro blogging sites are used to promote trending topics with instant results. Like long term sales goals can be achieved through eCommerce portals and B2B directories.

While social media is used for sharing fun based posts, Case Studies and long articles are for Content Marketing purposes to effectuate serious business deals. The tone and style in Social Media and Article sites significantly differ.

Choosing the Right Online Platforms

  • Choose platforms or directories or online media that are frequently updated.
  • Choose the platforms that are specifically positioned to cater to specific markets and target audience.
  • Choose websites and platforms that already have huge traffic flow.
  • Choose websites and platforms that show up in Google results for your niche keywords with consistent results.
  • Choose blog site for content promotion that covers your target audience extensively or covers your niche subjects elaborately
  • Choose Guest Post websites with good traffic and exchange your quality content for backlinks Link building Agency .
  • Buy backlinks in websites of subject matter experts with high content relevancy and high Domain Authority.
  • List with Business Directories that offer flexible or custom packages that your business gets better visibility and promotional support such as niche categories, banner ads, video promotion and content publishing.


It’s no matter what your products or services are. Your only ultimatum has to be to connect with the right audience for the right purpose. So, the selection of the right digital marketing tools will only help you realize your marketing objectives. Your knowledge on the scope and functionality of each digital marketing tool that you will use determines your campaign’s success.

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