
6 Rules You Should Follow To Avoid Fake Websites.


In today’s time, fake websites have become more popular and more scams are happening it’s easy for you to lose your money or personal details over these fake websites it is still very difficult for a few of you to find which is fake and which is real so these rules will help you from recognizing fake websites. Do check out: 먹튀사이트

Here are 6 rules which will help you to avoid fake websites.

  • URL Usage.

The regular way for hackers to take users onto their websites is by using harmful links. If you carefully examine the URL, you might see misspelled words or even a bogus website using a domain name of a real one as a sub.  Such differences reveal the outcome of the game. This is one method to find fake websites.

  • Does the website use legal certificates like SSL/TLS?

Major legal websites have this SSL and TLS in their website for example websites related to a bank has URL which is HTTPS instead of HTTP. There are a few steps in finding this out.

  1. The website you want to check should be loaded.
  2. To access the Site information box, click the padlock icon adjacent to the address bar.
  3. Select Certification.
  4. Selecting the Details tab
  5. Verify the Subject section.

If the file is in a certificate type you can still see whether the domain name is fake or not, if there is OV (organization validation) certificate you can view the company’s name, headquarters, location, etc. If there is EV ( Extended Validation) certificate it includes a few more lines in the Subject field and the company name in the Site information window.

  • Where are the fake links coming from?

When the hackers try to back the company email or something the companies usually catch them easily but these hackers have accounts that are parallel to legal accounts. There is a way to find this as well. If the email’s SPF and DMARC validation failed? The “Return-Path”, “Received”, and “Received-SPF” domains or IPs are conflicting? If it is a yes then it is 100% fake. 

  • Take a look at the Website.

Firstly look at the tiny errors that are made, and then notice carefully the unnecessary adds, then the shipping address and returning guideline, make sure to check the contacts, and in legal online shops most credit card is taken, then, in the end, your browser is the one that examines the website.

  • Online Reviews. 

There are a few things that should be noticed like legal links usually have more reviews, and at times hackers try to set their profile but with the comments, you’ll get to know, and the brand name even this can be fake but with the reviews you’ll get to know. 

  • Use a link to identify fake websites

If you have followed all the above steps and still want to confirm then you can use any fake website checker you just have to paste the link and check whether it’s true or fake you can use or Get safe online. 

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